Feed RSS en Hugo

Como crear un feed para podcast con HUGO

Validators / Validadores


  • Soportados por AntennaPod:
    • RSS2: channel item guid title link description pubDate enclosure {url,length,type} image {url} language
    • atom: … link {href,rel,type,title,length} …
    • content: encoded -> Para contenido con HTML si “description” no es más largo
    • itunes: image {href} author duration subtitle summary new-feed-url
    • podcast : funding chapters : https://podcastindex.org/namespace/1.0
    • dc: date
    • media: content url fileSize type duration isDefault medium {image,audio,video} thumbnail {url} description {type} : http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/
    • simple-chapters: chapters {chapter} {start,title,href,image} : http://podlove.org/simple-chapters

En uso

Sin uso



Generador con hugo

Contenido escondido en la pestaña RSS para ahorrar espacio. Tambien revisable aquí

{{- printf "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" | safeHTML }}
<rss version="2.0"
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    <description>{{.}}</description> {{ end }}
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    <lastBuildDate>{{ .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 +0000" | safeHTML }}</lastBuildDate> {{ end }}
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        {{ printf "<atom:link href=%q rel=\"self\" type=%q />" .Permalink .MediaType | safeHTML }} {{ end }}
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    {{ end }}
    {{ with .Site.Author.name }}
    <copyright>{{.}} {{ now.Format "2006" }}</copyright> {{ end }}
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    {{ end }}
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    {{ if .Param "p20.fundingURL" }}
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    {{ end }}
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    {{ with .Param "p20.locationOSM" }}osm="{{.}}"{{ end }}
    >{{.Param "p20.location"}}</podcast:location>
    {{ end }}
        <url>{{ .CurrentSection.Permalink }}{{ .Params.podcast_image}}</url>
        {{ with .Title }}<title>{{.}}</title>{{ end }}
        <link>{{ .Permalink }}</link>
    <itunes:explicit>{{ with .Param "itunes.explicit" -}}{{.}}{{- else -}} false {{- end }}</itunes:explicit>
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    <itunes:category text="News">
        <itunes:category text="Tech News" />
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            <itunes:name>{{.}}</itunes:name> {{ end }}
    {{ with .Site.Author.email }}<itunes:email>{{.}}</itunes:email>
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        <pubDate>{{ .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT" | safeHTML }}</pubDate>
        <guid isPermaLink="false">{{ $pg.Params.title }}</guid> 
            {{ with .Params.podcast.mp3 }}
                {{ $file_stat := os.Stat (add "/static/images/" (. | relURL)) }}<enclosure url="{{ . | absURL }}" length="{{ $file_stat.Size }}" type="image/png" />
            {{ end }}
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        <enclosure url="{{.Params.podcast.audio}}.ogg" length="{{ with .Params.podcast.olength -}} {{.}} {{- else -}} 0 {{- end }}" type="audio/ogg" />
        <enclosure url="{{.Params.podcast.audio}}.mp3" length="{{ with .Params.podcast.mlength -}} {{.}} {{- else -}} 0 {{- end }}" type="audio/mpeg" />
            {{ with .Params.podcast.iduration }}
            {{ end }}
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        {{ printf "<description><![CDATA[%s]]></description>" .Summary | safeHTML }}
        {{ printf "<content:encoded><![CDATA[%s]]></content:encoded>" .Content | safeHTML }}
        {{ with .Site.Author.email }}
            <author>{{.}}{{ with $.Site.Author.name }} ({{.}}){{ end }}</author>
        {{ end }}
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            protocol="{{ .CurrentSection.Params.p20.protocol }}"
            {{ with .CurrentSection.Params.p20.accountId }}accountId="{{.}}"{{ end }}
            {{ with .CurrentSection.Params.p20.accountUrl }}accountUrl="{{.}}"{{ end }}
        /> {{ end }}
        {{ if and (.Params.podcast.trurl) (.Param "p20.trtype") }}
        <podcast:transcript url="{{ .Params.podcast.trurl }}" type="{{ .Param "p20.trtype" }}"
        />{{ end }}
        {{ if .Params.podcast.location }}
        {{ with .Params.podcast.locationGEO }}geo="geo:{{.}}"{{ end }}
        {{ with .Params.podcast.locationOSM }}osm="{{.}}"{{ end }}
        {{ end }}

    {{ end }}

Duración del audio

    <enclosure url="{{ $pg.Params.link }}" type="audio/mpeg" length="0" />
  • Sacandolo del Params
    {{ $audio_name_arr := split (index .Params.audio 0) "." }}
    {{ $audio_type := index $audio_name_arr (sub (len $audio_name_arr) 1) }}
    {{ $audio_size := 0 }}
    {{- if .Params.audio_size }}{{ $audio_size = int .Params.audio_size }} {{ end -}}
    <enclosure url="{{ index .Params.audio 0 | absURL }}" length="{{ $audio_size }}" type="audio/{{ $audio_type }}" />
    <enclosure url="{{ .Site.Params.media_prefix }}{{ .Params.podcast_file }}" {{with .Params.podcast_bytes}}length="{{ . }}"{{ end }} type="audio/mpeg" />



Última modificación March 10, 2024: pruebas llava con logo ATL (76557a9)